December 6, 2007

More than 20 Questions

Favorite kind of cereal: OHs
What animal or insect disgusts you the most? Spiders AND Snakes
What do you need more of right now? $money$
What is the hardest thing for you to do? NOT clean
Deodorant brand: degree
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 45 to 1 hour
What is your most prized object? My Jeep Liberty (first car I bought ON MY OWN)
What are you thankful you're not doing now? Working at my old job
What is your favorite drink? Coffee
Favorite way to eat potatoes? with cheese AND broccoli on it
Favorite ice cream toppings: chocolate syrup A LOT OF IT
Where do you want to spend the rest of your life? with the ones I love
What do you bring most to a friendship? EARS
What kind of music makes you want to get up and sing? old pop
What are you an expert in? Cleanliness & Neatness (OCD)
What have you tried and simply were not good at? video games
What is your "theme song"? Sugar & Spice & All Things Nice
What is your most annoying habit? having to PICK UP at home before RELAXING
What food would you feast on? Thanksgiving Dinner, that's the best!
How much can you bench press? HMMM...don't know
What fictional character would you like to meet? Michael Scott
What is the ultimate vacation? Some beach, somewhere
What is the best thing about your job? I can BLOG!
What is the worst thing about your job? on the phones CONSTANTLY!
What is the last movie that made your eyes tear up? In the Land of Women
What super-power would you like? Freeze TIME
What would you change about your appearance? Add 2 inches GROWTH SPURT!
If you named your home, what would you name it? The house that LOVE built
What advice would you give to the President? I have NO idea
What character attribute do you admire most? Selflessness AND Confidence
Where do you usually buy your clothes? Anywhere there's a sale
What song describes your present relationship? 'Your Song' by Elton John
How would you spend $1000? New wardrobe
What do you want to change about your life? Nothing, its great!
Who is your best friend? My bubby and a handful of girlfriends
What would you like to accomplish this year? Start eating more healthfully
What do you do everyday? Shower, work, dinner, sleep and LOVE
What food do you refuse to eat? NOT much!
What one word would you use to describe your current relationship? Happy
What is the best purchase you have made? OUR apartment
What one word describes your life? Bliss