April 30, 2008

Countdown 9 months and 1 day

Did you read that above? There are, as of today, NINE MONTHS AND ONE DAY until our blissfull wedding day! I am SO super excited and I truly can't wait for that day to come. Honestly, I wish it was much sooner than that, but also am in no rush. I can't wait for the day when my name will change, I will be a wife, I will have a husband, and we will start the rest of our lives together.

Now, along with being excited I am also kind of stressing myself out! I hate it! You see, I am a planner...I like to plan things ahead of time and get them done with. I went to look at the 6-9 month check list and I'm starting to think of all the things ahead that we still have to do and it's kinda freakin' me out! I get stressed out easily and well, this is easily! I just have to keep telling myself, it's okay it'll be fine don't freak out, there is plenty of time left. I wish we were loaded and could hire a wedding planner and the wedding planner could just plan everything for us. All we'd have to do it sign off on what she is doing! Wouldn't that be grand?!