I am SO happy that the weekend is finally here! Like I've said many times before...why can't we have 4 day work weeks and 3 day weekends?! I'll have to talk to somebody about that one!
Last night, we got to have our PIZZA FRIDAY since my Mister didn't have a show. It was so nice and relaxing. We ate some pizza and caught up on a little Last Comic Standing. It was oh so nice and oh so relaxing. Today, we're going to go see The Strangers once Ryan gets off of work...I can't wait and I know I'm going to be freaked out well after the movie is over...that's just how I am with scary movies (i.e. taking Mason out at night by myself or being home alone!).
We haven't had that great of weather the past couple of days. It's been sticky and humid and rainy with the sun occassionally deciding to bless us with it's presence. While we were lounging around on the couch last night, we looked out the window and there were some amazing clouds outside. These pictures definitely DO NOT do it justice. It almost looked like a huge smoke filled sky from a fire.
It was pretty amazing looking!
The view from our balcony

Mind you, like I said, these pictures do not do it justice!

Pretty neat, huh?!

Another thing that I've noticed over the past week...Roxy loves this bench. Right around 9:00pm every single night, she hops up here and lays for maybe ten minutes. It's so weird though, because it seriously happens right around the same time every since night! Does she know that she's doing that?! I just find it so strange!
Also...I haven't posted finished pics of the bench because I'm not fully done with it. I have to paint another coat and get a red pad for it and I don't want to do the before and after until I'm done. It's been so rainy and humid that I don't want to paint it outside and then have to bring it in wet!

Is this not the cutest face you have ever seen? What a little darling!

Oh, Masey Moo is just too cute :-)

Here we are saying HAPPY FRIDAY TO YOU ALL!!! We always take pics like this and I never like how they come out...yet there are always millions of them! ha!

At one point last night, we were taking pictures of Roxy cat and her eyes would come out like this every single time! Is she possesed or something?! ha! It must just be her soul showing!!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
P.S. I will let you know how the movie is and if I'm scared to death by the time it's over!!!
Such great pictures!!! I hope you have a good weekend too! And let me know how that movie is....i LOVE horror flix!
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