July 22, 2008

It's a meme!

Alright...I don't have much for you today. Other than the fact that I had a wonderful 3 day weekend and I'm hating being back at work. But that's all I've got!

So without further ado...a meme for you! (I'm rhyming now too!)

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I would have been 15 years old. I was enjoying the summer while being on summer vacation. Yes, yes the good old days when I actually got summer break. Boy do I miss that. I was actually just thinking of that this morning. I believe I got my first job that summer working as a phone/carryout girl at Royal Cantonese chinese restaurant. I had my drivers permit and was counting down the months until I could get my license. Oh to be that young and carefree again! I guess I would only resort back to that if I could still have the life I have today!

Favorite Snacks
chips and salsa (soo good, could eat it any time)
chocolate (any kind any form...yum!)

To Do List
I normally write to do lists when I have more than 2 things to do. Otherwise I will forget! On my list at the moment is just a lot of wedding stuff. We are a tad bit behind on a few things, but that's okay, we've got some time! Some of the most important things...book a photographer, finalize our guest list and get started on our passport application (I swear, I feel like we're not going to have them by the time of our honeymoon!).

Today my list consists of the following:
1) take a shower (EVERYBODY NEEDS A GOAL)2) movie with Alex3) make Costco list for D.4) phone call @ 2 with BP (a person, not the oil company)5) change sheets6) LAUNDRY7) conquer a little bit of the email mountain8) work on some stuff for my, well, work9) edit podcast (you didn’t even know we still did those, did you?)10) cook supper11) write something (again: GOALS! I HAVE THEM!)

Jobs I Have Had
babysitter, chinese food take out girl, salon receptionist, marshall fields associate, front desk hotel clerk, sales rep...

Places I Have Lived
All in Illinois...Mundelein, Normal (short lived), Libertyville, McHenry and Grayslake

Bad Habits
procrastination (only at times), eating too much, perfection (it IS a bad thing, believe me!), cleaning too much, I could go on and on and on...

5 Random Things People May Not Know
1) My parents are divorced but they have a great relationship with eacother. I often joke when go out to dinner with them that we're going out to dinner with my 'mom and dad' (you know, like they are still together! ha!).
2) Ryan and I met while he was my boss at the hotel. I thank the Lord that I took the path that I did or else I would have never met my future hubby and might I add one of the best men in the world!
3) I have been to Europe (Germany, Belgium, England and France). It was when I was maybe 14 years old, so I was less appreciative of it than I should have been.
4) I had surgery for 2 hernias when I was just 2 (almost 3...i think) years old.
5) I have a birthmark on the middle of my lower back that my mom always used to tell me was an upside down L (of course, she told me this because my middle name starts with an L!).

CDs I would want if stranded on an island
Well I don't necesarily listen to cds so I would just loap up our iPod with anything and everything that could fit on there. Maybe add some movies too! :-)

What I’d Do if I Were a Billionaire
1) Pay off anything that needed to be paid off.
2) Buy a house and pay it in full so that we wouldn't have to worry about mortgage payments.
3) Quit my job and pick up a hobby that would eventually make me money!
4) Give a chunk of money to each of our family members.
5) Travel the world with Ryan and experience life!

That's about it! If you're reading this then you are tagged!