I'm gonna warn you right now...
This is a long one!
We had a nice long weekend. It was full of fun, summertime things. I don't know why, but it didn't feel quite like summer until this weekend. The 4th of July just brings back fun summertime memories.
Here are some fun things we did this weekend...
Taste of Chicago
On Friday, the 4th, we went down to the Taste of Chicago. It was so beautiful out, we had a perfect day! We went down with my future brother in laws and their significant others. We met their step sister and her husband down there and another friend and his girlfriend. We ate some yummy food, listened to some good music and had a couple drinks. It was a good day!
Ryan and I took the train down. It was a fun ride. There were mobs of people though. Looks like everyone decided to take public transportation...

Getting off of the train was a wreck! There were just mobs of people not moving. It was horrible. Once we got to the end, there were wide open spaces...come on people!?!

Sisters and a friend...

The three brothers
Barbeque Saturday
Saturday we went over to Ryan's moms and had a bbq. Again...some more yummy food (that's what the fourth is all about, right?!)!!!

Me and little C (isn't he so darn cute?!)

The three boys again...they just can't get enough of the camera?! ha!

R and Me (or I or whatever...)
Independance Day Parade
Today we went to the 4th of July parade with my mom. Ava (the niecey) was in the parade, riding her decorated bike with our church. She was so cute, but it was SO hot out in the sun. We were literally sitting there sweating bullets. It was fun...though I did get a little sunburnt.

Me mum, me and R

Ryan works with the guy towards the left (the one with the white hat). We took a couple of pictures of him, just in case he wants them. :-)

God Bless America

Look at all those horses, they must have been dying in the heat!

Mr. and Mrs. America?!

There's Ava and Grandpa...he kept going, she decided to stay with us and watch the parade!


There's the Pastor, riding in the parade for St. Andrews
We also got new bikes over the weekend. We have yet to ride them. We were going to go for a ride tonight, but after sitting outside all day at the parade (and doing nothing else, really) we are exhausted! I literally feel like I could fall over. I'll sleep good tonight!
I'm heading to bed soon...I get to work the early hours this week at work, woo hoo! It does stink a little bit that I have to wake up so early, at least I get off early!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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