August 25, 2008

Check out my new layout! Don't you just love it?!

Fabulous K did it! You can check her out HERE!

Sometimes she does random giveaways if you're looking for a new design for your blog. Most of the time I just bask in all of the things wonderful that she creates around her home.

As a matter of fact, I got the idea (in a post below) for my wall art in my hallway with the rub ons and scrap paper!

Thank you SO much Fabulous K! For your wonderful wonderful blog design that you made me and for all your decorational inspiration! You are simply FABULOUS!


Mrs. B said...

I LOVE your new blog!!! And look..your ticker is so close to the end!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! You are too sweet! I am glad you love it...your blog is so fun :)

I am adding it to my favorites now! Thanks again!!

acte gratuit said...

I do love it! And although I don't like cats or dogs, I do love ee cummings, chocolate, and oceans! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!