August 1, 2008

Our last 'issue'

In preparing for our wedding, we are pretty set. Well, kind of. The only major 'issue' we have is our photographer.
This 'issue', you ask?
We don't have one yet!
I see that as a problem. It's not a huge issue right now, seeing how we do have six months to go, but I really want to find one and be set. I don't want to have to worry about it anymore.
My problem is, I'm having a hard time picking one.
For one, they are all so freakin' expensive. And if they're not, they aren't that great. This is our wedding day and I want good pictures. It's all we will have to remind us of this beautiful, glorious day. That and our memories, which slowly fade over time.
We have an appointment tomorrow to meet with one that is very promising, but the prices, oh the prices!
If you live in the Chicagoland area or you know of any good photographers in the Chicagoland area, do you have any suggestions?!
And remember, people, price is an issue. Well not a HUGE issue, but I like mid range prices with good photos! :-)