August 11, 2008

Project decorate

First, I must tell you, I have debated in my head a couple times as to whether I post this on this blog or on my other one. I decided to put it here because it is stuff that I am doing. The other one is reminders for me of crafts that I like and would hope to try out. There, I said it. :-)

I got this mirror from my mom. It was from the back of an old powder table/desk/I don't even know. This sucker is HEAVY! Well, I decided to take it apart and scrap old paint off the mirror and really give it a good cleaning. I sanded the frame (which to my surprise is plastic, not the wood that I was thinking it would be) and repainted it black. I even did the insides so that you could only see black from the inside reflection of the frame.
Here it is in it's BEFORE state. Nothing special, just a plain 'ole white mirror.

Here is the mirror right after I took it all apart. And there is Mason staring up at me!

I went into a decorating frenzy yesterday. I decided to go to Walmart and get some pics to put up on the wall and find, well, whatever I found. So that is a work in progress, along with this mirror. I wanted to wait to post everything when it's all done. So you'll have to stay tuned for the outcome of the mirror! Sorry...I know you will all be waiting in anticipation for that post to come... ha! :-)


Mrs. B said...

Looking good B!!!!!!!