First, I must tell you, I have debated in my head a couple times as to whether I post this on this blog or on my other one. I decided to put it here because it is stuff that I am doing. The other one is reminders for me of crafts that I like and would hope to try out. There, I said it. :-)
I got this mirror from my mom. It was from the back of an old powder table/desk/I don't even know. This sucker is HEAVY! Well, I decided to take it apart and scrap old paint off the mirror and really give it a good cleaning. I sanded the frame (which to my surprise is plastic, not the wood that I was thinking it would be) and repainted it black. I even did the insides so that you could only see black from the inside reflection of the frame. Here it is in it's BEFORE state. Nothing special, just a plain 'ole white mirror.

Looking good B!!!!!!!
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