December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me (and) I Take It Back I am 26 years old. Of course, it doesn't feel any different than any other birthday. Another I've said...I love birthdays! I don't dread them, it's going to happen anyways.

Aging that is.

So I choose to embrace it!

I got the above wonderful, warm Columbia coat from my Mister AND Twilight...the book! I can't wait to start digging into it.

The book that is.

And my coat is so comfy, I only had dressy peacoats. So it'll be wonderful to his this!

And I take back the sad little Charlie Brown tree that we had...

I happened to see this fake (yes, fake) tree at Walgreens yesterday. I wouldn't look twice, but I noticed that is was sale for $19.99!

Yes $19.99!!!

We went back today to get it. And I just happened to have a $5 off coupone that printed out from the register yesterday. Plus, we bought the cute little gold glittery star topper. All in all, we paid $17 and some change! How awesome is that?!

I thought we wouldn't get much of a good tree for the price that we paid but it is actually pretty nice.

And bonus?

It's pre-lit with white lights!

Love it!!!

I decided to only use certain colored bulbs this year. I chose red, green, silver and gold. I added some red and silver ribbon we had laying around. I want all silver...we shall see...

I love it though!

I also have to add that we started AND finished our Chritmas shopping last night.

I also wrapped all presents today and they are currently decorating our empty space below the tree.

I love the Christmas season!

**written on December 14th - published on December 15th. Don't want to ruin my Silent Sunday now do I?!


Krista said...

Awesome! I'm glad you had a successful birthday and got a tree on sale!