December 12, 2008

I've been tagged...again!

I was tagged by my friend Jenny over at and she's just rambling again...

1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are 6 random things about me:

1. I am a clean freak! I don't mean just a little. I mean A BIG CLEAN FREAK! As in...I can't sit down until everything is put away. I spent (and I'm not kidding here - Ryan can verify this) just about 8 hours cleaning just a few short Saturdays ago. I get so overwhelmed while I'm doing it too. I want to be done and relax, but I just. can't. stop. until I'm completely done.

2. I would gladly eat appetizers or snacks (or desserts for that matter) for any meal rather than real food. When my Mister was out of town with his band I had cheese and crackers for dinner one night and then chips and guacamole the next night.

3. I can't NOT have nailpolish on. I don't care if it's clear or colored. It must be on. If it's not on, my nails just feel disgusting to me - kind of like nails on a chalkboard.'s making me sick thinking of it.

4. I NEED to have the right amount of cream and sugar in my coffee. If not, I get angry with whoever made it - say...Dunkin Donuts! For the most part they are awesome...but at this one location, they can never get it right? It's not their fault, I know this. I just want my coffee how I want it. That's all...

5. I had surgery when I was 3 years old for two hernias. I remember picking bubble gum gas to put me to sleep and riding home nice and tired in the back of my grandparents car. They also bought me Hungry Hungry Hippos for surviving the surgery. Ha! Just was a 'get well' gift I guess!

6. I'm a MAJOR homebody. I would rather sit home any day of the week than go out. I hate dealing with people. I just love the comfort and happiness of home. I love to make little things and just lay around, clean and just be at home!

*I'm super exciting...can't you tell?! :-)

**And I've decided to not tag anyone...if you'd like you can go ahead and tag yourself from my blog. I am mainly just too lazy to go through to each persons blog and tell them. And I'm leaving here (work) in ten minutes and I just don't think there's enough time for that!


Krista said...

Happy Birthday!