My Mister and I, frequent Dunkin Donuts for their deliscous coffee occassionally (used to be much more...we're talking like every day during the summer). During our visits, we usually had the pleasure of being serviced by a mid-to-late-20-something-man,
to which we have no clue what his name it.
We dubbed him THE MAESTRO
He was given this name for a major reason...he makes THE BEST coffee, no matter what you order, it is how it should taste. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, considering it is a chain, you can go to different locations and certain drinks will taste differently depending on where you order (I can't blame them, I couldn't replicate something someone else made to a T, could you?!). THE MAESTRO has a few traits that make him unique, like, he always says WELCOME TO MCDONALD'S CAN I TAKE YOUR ORDER (does he work at McDonalds and just get confused, or is he trying to confuse us?!), he would ask why we didn't get an iced coffe (which we normally ordered in the summer) when we ordered a hot coffee, and then I can't remember but he made a comment or said something nice,
acknowledging us when we went once.
Last night, on the way to my Mister's show, we decided to stop for a hot cup-o-joe, hoping we'd have THE MAESTRO to serve us. My Mister knows that I have a hard time finding something to blog about at times and said, "There's a topic for your blog!"
So here I am...and unfortunately, we didn't have the pleasure of sipping some hot joe made by THE MAESTRO! As a matter of fact, we haven't seen him in awhile...we've cut back on our Dunkin Donut runs. Hmm...maybe we'll have to start drinking more coffee...
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