January 23, 2008

The Public Pot

This may be a TABOO topic for some. I'm on the fence with this one. I MUST write about it though because it frequently crosses my mind. If you are one of the weak at heart, please don't read this post. I'll try to keep it G Rated.

The Subject Being...GOING POTTY IN PUBLIC RESTROOMS...and I don't mean *tinkling*!!!!

Now, I understand that, when you gotta go, you GOTTA GO. I am not one of those peeps though. I just cannot bring myself to do that in a restroom where there are other stalls...hence other people in the same bathroom as you.

This subject comes about because of my place of employment. I went to use the washroom today (just *tinkle*) and heard from 2 stalls down...PLUNK....PLUNK!!! I just couldn't believe it! I guess I'm just self conscious! Then the SMELL...I just don't enjoy smelling other people's smells! Ewwwwwww!!! That's all!


Zizi said...


Anonymous said...

Amen, I thought that was in the book of unwritten rules! She must have missed the memo.
(unless in turtlehead crisis..or currently taking Alli)