Okay so I have a confession to make...
I HEART Walgreens!!!
I have been there probably MORE than a handfull of times in just this past week!!! Seriously, yesterday, I went there twice. And I really didn't even go for more than one thing. But we all know how that works out. You go in for one thing, you come out with, oh maybe 5+ things!!! I could shop there EVERY SINGLE DAY if I let myself, but then we wouldn't have any money...'cause I wouldn't put it past myself to buy one of everything in that store! It's hard. I have to tell myself NO sometimes when I think about going there. It's one of my many addictions!!!

Oh and we got MORE snow!!! These pics are actually from Tuesday morning. We got a couple of inches over night on Monday. But last night...I was waiting for my Mister to get home...falling asleep on the couch and when I got up to get into bed, I looked outside and saw the cars covered by about an inch of MORE SNOW!!! Arghghgh....how frustrating...I just want it to get warmer outside. It looks like my wishes may come true. I just heard on the radio that on Sunday it's supposed to rainy and a high of 50 DEGREES!!! That is awesome...well, not the rain part...I can bet you I will have a headache that day! Ick!!!
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