February 6, 2008

Dear Winter

Oh Winter, how I hate to love you. While I love that silence you bring on those white snowy nights, I do not like how you make traffic stop and my head spin! You frustrate me when I think about how long my ride home will be, even though I live like 2 miles from work.

Don't get me wrong, Winter, you are so beautiful and peaceful. So graceful and white. I just wish you would pick a span of time and stick to it. No late in the season snows, pretty please? At least this year, and well maybe next?!

And P.S. Can you please not snow on our Wedding Day next year? Well, maybe a dusting to make it pretty, but no road hazards?!
(I'm knocking on wood now incase I just jinxed us!)


Unknown said...

Hi Bella,

Nice blog! Thanks for the comments on my blog.

You and Ry should come down for a visit. Oh, well. Plenty of time!


Dad Mc

Anonymous said...

I envy you a bit. I have been waiting for a beautiful snow storm and we haven't had a stitch...today it is 60 degrees. I just went to the food store and i was HOT!!! (well, I'm always hot, it you know what i mean...tee hee hee) It is actually 73 degrees down by the shore...so....we.re jealous a little bit out here on the east coast!!!
Zizi Nikki