February 21, 2008

One word answers

Because I don't have anything to really blog about today, here you are!
I'll give you something to think about for tomorrow...Mason (the pooch) went to the groomer today for a haircut...

feeling: STUFFY
thinking about: FACE
your family history: UNFINISHED
the last person you had "words" with: DEALER (WORK...PARENTHESIS DON'T COUNT!)
want to fly away to: JAMAICA (NOW!)
hate the sight of: DIRT
the sport whose players turn you on: FOOTBALL
favorite color ink: BLACK
american idol judge who irritates you most: PAULA (CRAZY!)
place you thought monsters hid when you were little: BED
favorite spice or herb: GARLIC/DILL
what you like for breakfast: CEREAL
your living room couch: OURS
most recent purchase: LCDFLATSCREEN42INCHTVHA!
hours you typically sleep on weeknights: EIGHT
something you dislike: PAIN
favorite color: SAGEGREEN
your snack when willpower is nonexistent: CHOCOLATE
your bedsheets: DIRTY
the part of your face you scrunch most often: BETWEENEYEBROWS
the last thing you thought was funny: MASON
what you're going to do now: WORK