On a side note...I have been having 'issues' with my mouth! I have been getting tightening of my jaw. I am trying to do some research and it keeps coming up as TMJ. All of the reading that I've done doesn't exactly pin point how to get rid of it. So I went out and bought a stupid mouthpiece to wear to bed. In the directions, it says that aside from the mouthpiece, it wants you to focus on 'mouth closed-teeth open'. I have been 'practicing' this all day yesterday and it helped a bit. I just don't get it though...it is so frustrating and I want it to go away!!! I don't know why it is happening and I don't know which doctor to go to...the dentist or the doctor. Plus, I'm sure talking all day at work does not help one bit!!!
Any suggestions? Does anyone you know have this, or do you?
please...HELP ME!!!!!
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