We've had a LONG week here. Ryan (I think I decided we can use our real names from now on) has had practice and then shows starting on Wednesday and going through last night. So, with our overlapping work schedules, we haven't really seen much of eachother in the past week. I MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!! So today, Sunday is our day together of just relaxing and getting to spend it with eachother! I am SO excited!!!
I took quite a bit of pics of the weekend...so you have some added entertainment!
Friday night, I decided to be ambitious. We had our treadmill inside (in the box of course) and I WANTED it put together. So, I set my mind to it at about 9:00pm. And...as you can see below, I DID IT, I DID IT!!!

It's tucked behind the couch. Not so bad, wish we had a 'gym room'!

It took me probably about 2 hours-ish to put together. At first, I thought, what did I get myself into, but it wasn't that bad, actually. My hands were really sore after putting it together though! I finally used it this morning and it felt good. I only hope that I will stick with it. I get bored easily. I also feel bad about the people under us. I figure if I use it at 'normal' hours that it shouldn't be too bad, right?!

Ryan's dad was in town, so on Saturday morning we went out to breakfast with him, my future SIL and BIL, their cutest little baby boy and Ava (my niece!). We had her for the day, well I had her alone while Ryan went into work for a bit. She was so good at breakfast, just playing with Colin (the baby). It seemed like he really liked her, he kept smiling at her and watching her. They better get along...they are our Flower Girl and Ring Bearer!

Ava and I ran some errands after we were done with breakfast, but not before stopping at Grandpa's to change her clothes. She HAD to do it, really, she insisted that we stop there. You see, she spilled on her shirt at breakfast and this little lady is one for being neat. I suppose it's a good thing, right?! Another added fact, she HATES when she has 'flyaways', she even calls them that. So she will put uncountable amounts of mousse in her hair until she is satisfied. She also LOVES to stare at herself in the mirror...oh boy, I have a feeling her teenage years will be hellacious!

She had a fascination with my sunglasses and would not give them up. So we had a photoshoot! Too cute!

Then last night, I decided to make some Cake Balls, which I found the recipe on THIS girls blog, which is awesome! FYI if you don't know, I'm a self-admitted BLOG ADDICT! I some how come across blogs and like what I read, so I go through the whole blog and read it. I LOVE it though. It's kind of like, in some weird way, you know the person. There are some great people out there and some great blogs!
The recipe for Cake Balls is super easy though. I love anything with sugar in it and thought these would be awesome...and let me tell you, they are!

You just bake any flavor of cake that you like, as you normally would, according to the instructions.

Then, while it's still warm, crumble it up in a bowl and mix in a regular size tub of any kind of frosting you desire. I used yellow cake and butter cream frosting...it was SO hard not to just eat the crumbled warm cake sitting in the bowl...I had to remind myself I was making something with it!

Then you roll it into balls, maybe the size of a tablespoon. I used a measing spoon...I couldn't find melon ballers or mini ice cream scoops anywhere?! After that, I refrigerated them for about an hour so they would harden up a bit.

I thought this picture was cute. It was last night, before I took Mason out to go to the bathroom. I kept asking him, "Does Mason have to go outside?" Whenever say a word of interest to him, he cocks his head to the side. It's so cute...and for once, I captured it on camera! Of course, he was doing it to the word OUTSIDE!!!
I knew you could put that thing together if you just put your mind to it....you're more like me every date!!! TEE HEE HEE
Ava look like a real ham...i love seeing the pics you post on your blog...it keeps me in tune with the family!!!
Can't you put your treadmill in the spare bedroom??? I just got off mine and it is boring but put some good music on your ipod and close your eyes.
Yummy cake balls!
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