This post is specifically for my Zizi Nikki. Some of you might ask what that means...well Zizi is Aunt in Italian. I'm not sure if we pronounce it in the 'correct' Italian way, but it sounds like sit-see.

This is looking into the room from the doorway.

This is looking from the doorway facing a little bit towards the left. Those to book/movie/cd cases are gone now. I bought a tall black bookshelf to go in the living room, in the little nook where our old tv used to be. That's the black futon on the left.

in case you didn't see my *sparkler* it is. I tried to get the dimension in the second picure. I
love it! Please excuse my cubby little knuckles :-)

AH, I feel so special. Thanks for the personal blog!!! Your ring is beautiful! Mom said that you are moving right along on the wedding plans...even down to her dress. Yes, i think you MUST dress her...we all know she likes "slutty" but not at your wedding! TEE HEE HEE.
Have you been treading???
Love ya and see ya soon!
Zizi Nikki
PS. This is not letting me sign in under zizi "looks" different so...i am using anonymous.
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