March 25, 2008

They come in three's

3 nicknames you go/have gone by:
Bells, Bella Burpee (my dad), Bebe

3 screennames you have had:
buteefull143, bellahitzke, something with sun in it (don't remember!)

3 things you like about yourself:
my eyes, my sometime sense of style (ha!), my giving personality

3 things you don't like about yourself:
my ocd when it comes to cleaning, my love for sweets, my BAD willpower

3 of your ethnicities:
italian, german, unfortunately polish (no offense)

3 things that scare you:
snakes, death, losing the ones i love

3 of your every day essentials:
coffee, tylenol, blowdryer

3 of your favorite clothing articles:
my comfy green hoody, pretty much anything black :-)

3 of your favorite songs:
such great heights (postal service), have you ever really loved a woman (brian adams), rubella (smoking popes)

3 things your love about your significant other:
his willingness to help me clean even though he knows how i am, he tries (and can) to make me laugh when i'm in a bad mood, his love for all things politics

3 truths about yourself:
i love the color green (and black), i had 2 hernias (and surgery) when i was 3, i want to work with animals

3 of your favorite hobbies:
going for walks in nice weather, reading magazines, baking

3 things you want really badly right now:
a laptop, photoshop, to win the lottery and not work

3 careers you are considering/have considered:
animal shelter owner (wouldn't that be the best!), nurse, stylist

3 places you want to go on vacation:
australia, jamaica, the bahamas

3 kids names you like:
jack ryan, madison (maddy for short), Kayla

3 things you want to do before you die:
have a family, find a career that i truly enjoy, understand politics :-)

3 things that make you a steriotypical girl:
i have to have my nails painted, i have to do my hair, i like to decorate


Mrs. B said...

What's wrong with being Polish!!??? lol! This was such a cute survey!