April 15, 2008

I dream of weddings

post edit: see I told you Blogger is making me mad...it happened again, my formatting isn't working now! Boo!!!

I know I haven't mentioned it in this here bloggy, but I've been having random dreams about OUR WEDDING. Each time I have one, they haven't been very pleasant. Don't get your undies in a bundy...they haven't been horrible either. Each dream is usually a different wedding (different wedding details), but the same scenario plays out in it's unique kind of way. The wedding always seems to be taking place earlier than it is supposed to. Which means we are NEVER prepared. In each dream I am usually running around in a panic because I didn't really know that the wedding was happening that early. I, of course, am dressed in my dress and my hair is done, but we are missing SO many details.
In the dream I had this morning (all while hitting the snooze button multiple times...yes, the dream kept happening in between that), my hair looked horrible, it was falling down, we didn't have wedding bands, I had NO ride to the ceremony and everyone else had left with out me. Oh it was horrible!!!
I'm sure this is all just planning worries and making sure we have it all done. And don't get me wrong, I am in NO WAY worried about anything at all about the wedding. It must just be my psyche playing games with my head while I'm sleeping! I just thought I'd share...and I wish they would stop happening...it's getting kind of annoying! :-)


Mrs. B said...

Aw sweetie! Those dreams are normal....everyone goes through it! Plus, you have a little OCD....hehe..you want everything to go as planned. And it WILL. Try not to stress. Thats why you us bridesmaids!