Let me start by saying, I got this little cat house for my cat when I was living with my mom. Well, the cat was too fat, so I brought it over to Ryan's apartment for Roxy. As far as we knew, she never ever went in it. I'm not quite sure why we even kept it, but we did. We still have it and it just houses cat nip on the top part of it. Roxy will curl up on the top of the little house occassionally, but not often. Well, last night, we were having 'family time' in The Office (ha! our second bedroom). Roxy ran and went INTO the house and just curled up and stuck her head out of it and laid down. We HAD to capture it with the camera....and there you are. The first time we have EVER seen her actually use this little house. So we were joking around saying that it was her 'room'. Too cute! :-)
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