April 14, 2008

Writers Block

Sorry I haven't posted about much lately. I have a case of writers block. I can't think of anything to blog about and we don't have anything exciting going on where I can take pictures and post them on here. So I don't really know what to blog about... If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment!

Our weather around here this past weekend was quite interesting. It was cold and rainy and/or hailing. It's like we never get a Spring or a Fall. It goes from Winter into Summer and vice versa! Oh well, it's supposed to start getting warmer; into the 50s/60s this week. Today was sunny and nice out. I can't wait until it regularly gets to be like that.

Our weekend didn't consist of much. Friday night we had our usual...PIZZA FRIDAY! Saturday was a relaxing day as well. Ryan had to work (as usual) and I had to clean (as usual). I even fixed our vacuum! We had nothing planned for Saturday night, so we just hung out at home. Watched Saturday Night Live...which didn't make us laugh that much! Oh and we also watched THE OFFICE on Friday night. I have to say, not as good as in the past. I feel like something was off. Not quite sure what it was, but it was something. Then Sunday, my Mister had a show in Barrington and I went along. It was nice. Started nice and early and ended nice and early :-)

Now...back to the daily grind of the week. I hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Oh so much! I wish we could win the lottery or think of some getrichquick idea where we could work for ourselves rather than someone else. I'm ready to retire! Ha!

Well, that's that for now. I'll think of something to post about tomorrow...at least I'll try!