April 11, 2008

I think this is fate

First off, this post is for you, Jen! I haven't posted in awhile and she was bugging me....just like I was bugging her when she didn't! What can I say, I'm addicted to reading blogs and if there is nothing for me to read, well I get bored! Ha!
Secondly, I found THIS awesome blog, and I am just literally peein' in my pants you guys! It's like a blessing in disguise. Oh my gawsh, I am just SO happy! You see, me and my future hubbs were starting to frett a little bit. We have a budget that we want to stick to for our wedding. I roughly added up all of our expenses and it came out to way more than we wanted to spend. Which led me to make the comment, "I wish we wouldn't have signed our reception contract and we could just have gone somewhere and gotten married. It would be SO much cheaper." To which my future hubbs agreed. I mean, realistically, weddings are such a waste of money. Of course I want the white dress and the big wedding and the beautiful, magical reception, but I don't want to have to pay for it and I don't want our families to have to pay for it. Can't we like, win the lottery or something?!
So, back to my point, the blog that I found suggested looking on EBAY for wedding dresses. You can bet your bottom dollar I went right on over to EBAY thankyouverymuch. And guess what...I found dresses, in my size, that were similar to how I wanted them to be, for very considerable prices!!! This is just amazing....I am SO glad that I found that website. Let's just say that I have A LOT of reading to do tonight.
P.S. I am SOOOOO mad at Blogger right now! I have switched my setting so that means a new paragraph. Well, Blogger obviously gets to decide when there are paragraphs and when there aren't. Arghgh! Frustrating, Blogger, really frustrating!


Mrs. B said...

Thank you for writing! I was going through withdrawals!!! And I'm praying for you..that you win the lottery! :) But remember if you DO win..you gotta give me some!!!