June 22, 2008

Babies on the brain

Yesterday (Saturday) I went to a baby shower for Lori (Ryan's step sister, my future sil). It was actually a lot of fun! We all had name tags made for us; they were made out of blue felt (it's a boy!) and pinned to look like diapers. So cute! We played a game involving these little diapies...you had to look inside of it and whomever had the poopy diaper was the next to get pregnant in the next year. Well, I bet you can get who got that dirty diaper...yep...it was moi... I surely don't plan on getting preggers in the next year, so here's to that not happening. It's not that I don't want kids, I just don't want to have a baby that soon. We plan on sometime in the next couple years-ish...just not in the next year!

Isn't it so cute?!

The parent's to be Lori and Doug, and Kim (Lori's sister)

Proud parents to be!

Me and Stacey (future sil)...love her!
Michele if you're reading...we wish you were here!

The sisters in one way, shape or form (Kim, Stacey, me, Stacey and Lori)...great group of gals!

Mom and all her daughters :-)