June 12, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday Ryan!

Today is Ryan's 28th birthday...I know, he's getting up there! ha! I'm just kidding, Ryan, I know you'll be reading this...seriously, I'm just kidding!

Since he's turning 28, I thought I'd list 28 reasons why I love this man.

This one is for you babe!

1. His smile.
2. His jokes. He's a pretty funny guy and can make me laugh so hard! We have the best laughs together.
3. His love of politics. I wish I could be like him some day!
4. He is so smart and is up to date on the news all the time!
5. His stand up comic routines, or lack there of (at the moment at least) :-)
6. His Mason/Roxy voices
7. His ability to put up with me and my ocd-ness when it comes to having a clean home!
8. He will clean with me and let me follow him around to make sure he is doing it right!
9. His work ethic. Being able to work but then relax at home when it's the right timing.
10. How he cooks for me pretty much every week night since I work until 7:00pm.
11. His own fashion sense.
12. His 'routine' when getting ready, it's so funny!
13. The way he either tries to make me happy when I'm being emotional.
14. Or the way that he will ask me if I just want to be left alone if I'm being emotions...to which I always reply no...I want him to make me laugh and it usually works!
15. His love for music.
16. He'll kill a spider for me if there is one in the house...and I'm pretty sure he doesn't really like them either!
17. The way he compromises, no matter what it is.
18. How happy he makes me. This is not just a lame number to waste space, he really truly makes me happy and make me smile all the time.
19. Our routines that we have together (walking the dog, our shows, etc...)
20. How he plays his video games and I play on the computer and we just hang out together.
21. That really intense laugh that he gets sometimes, it's so funny! I just love laughing with him.
22. The way I can cheer him up if he's having a really bad time and also the opposite, the way he can do that for me.
23. The way we both trust eachother.
24. The way he proposed to me. I love that we didn't even have to say a word about marriage, we both just knew that we felt it.
25. He's not embarrassed really, ever!
26. Just the way that we have fun together!
27. The way he loves me just the way I am.
28. He is my best friend.


Anonymous said...

I want one of him....so i can keep him in my back pocket or purse when i need a lift!!!
Happy Birthday Ryan...wish I had more time to spend with you so i could get to know you!!!
You must come to Jersy for a visit!