June 1, 2008

Weekend in review

Saturday was a very lazy day during the day. All we did was basically NOTHING!!! It was so nice...we seriously didn't even shower until like 5:45pm! I just love those days!

Ryan had a show Saturday night and I went along. It was so much fun! We had a really good time!

I swear, he should be a spokesperson for Dunkin Donuts! Ryan Ray! ha!

On the way to the show!

We rode with Ryan's friend John (who is also in the band) and his girlfriend Sara. This is the only pic we have of John from the car...it's pretty cool though, you can kind of see him in the blur of the rearview mirror!

John's girlfriend Sara

Ryan plays the bass guitar and sings for Vacation Bible School you can visit them HERE

John plays the guitar and sings as well!

Sean is the drummer
We didn't get home until 3-3:30am and had to be up and out of the house by 8:45am this morning. We were so tired! I usually fall asleep on the couch before midnight on the weekends if we're not doing anything!
We went to breakfast this morning with Ryan's family for his step dad's birthday. It was a fun time! After a quick trip to the store on the way home, we just relaxed for the rest of the day.
Back to work tomorrow to do the week all over again...
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend!