We ran out to the local Super K on our way to get dinner today and picked up a few things (i.e. new cushy bike seats so our bums don't hurt, sand paper for a project I'm working on {see below}, and some other odds and ends).
I'm always looking for something decorative to make our house a cozy home and add depth to our rooms. I happened upon a set of mirrors and have kind of been looking for something like this to go next to our door. We put them up when we got home and I think they look cute!
See our faces in the mirrors?! ha! :-)
We put them to the left of the door. Slowly but surely we are gaining little decorations!

Then we had a little bit of fun with them. Okay, maybe a lot of fun!

We got those cool hooks that are long and you push all the way in the wall...you know what I'm talking about?! I see infomercials on them all the time and they actually really work well. I'm a sucker for infomercials!

other mirror news, I have this new mirror that I got from my mom. She was going to toss it and I thought I could create some sort of crafty refinishing project. I already stripped some paint off of the actual mirror and washed it. Now I'm thinking about painting it black and finding somewhere to put it. I was trying to think of something cute and crafty that I could do/add to it, but am at a loss. Any ideas? I have it sitting next to the doorway at the moment and Mason couldn't care less if he saw himself in the mirror. Roxy (the cat), on the other hand, is being so funny with it. So found it yesterday after we brought it inside and randomly just sits in front of it and stares at herself...it is just the funniest thing!
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