July 13, 2008

A drive to Rockford

On Saturday, I so graciously offered myself up for driving Grandma to Rockford to attend her sister's 60th wedding anniversary lunch. I had Ava for the day, so she joined us too!

It was a fun time, kind of, and it was nice to spend some time with my Grandma, but we were in the car for an awful long time and I, of course was the only driver. Add on top of that, a 5 year old who got pretty bored pretty quickly and decided to act up...

Boy oh boy was I wiped out by the time we finally got home and oh so happy to go home to a nice quiet house. It was a fine day though!

Grandma and Ava

The granddaughter and great granddaughter
Isn't she so darn cute?!

Grandma and her only living sibling. Grandma was a bridesmaid in Aunt Til's wedding. I got to see all the wedding pictures from back in the days as well as hear their stories and all that they are thankful for. I can't wait to grow old and grey with my Mister!