I thought that since it is getting closer and closer to our wedding day (can you believe half of the time has gone by between our engagement date and our wedding date?!) that I would do a little tribute to my bridesmaids.
Here goes...
Jessica and I met, well I'm not quite sure when. We officially became friends around 6th grade. Jessica and I spent many a nights on blow up beds, sleeping in school rooms. We traveled to quite a few states together with our youth group attending Group Workcamps where we would help fix up peoples houses that were less fortunate or too old to do it themselves. As teenagers, we spent many days sitting around her kitchen table just hanging out and talking. These reasons and so many more are why Jessica is my Maid of Honor.

Dawn and I were apparently in the same class in 1st grade...although I don't necesarily recall, we had some unkind words shared. We became the best of friends during 5th grade and were pretty much inseperable. I remember calling her throughout our junior high years for any tiny little thing, every couple of minutes.

Jenny and I didn't meet until I came home from ISU. I went back to work at the salon and she was working there. I'm not quite sure how our friendship blossomed, but it was a match made in heaven. We are very similar kinds of people which is helpful in so many ways. I would do anything for her and know she would do the same for me. Jenny is getting married just a few months after us and it makes it kind of fun being able to plan a wedding with your friend.

Stacey is my soon-to-be sister-in-law and I wouldn't ask for a different sil if I had to. Since the first time I met her, I have just felt so comfortable around her. She has the nicest soul and it seems she never gets mad or upset. She is a sister and a friend and I am so glad that I can call her family.

Katie and I have known eachother since maybe middle school. We had a mutual friend, but never necesarily hung out, unless you count the Little Miss Mundelein Paegent! We then went on to highschool and middle schools meshed together and Katie became one of my good friends. I love her for always speaking her mind. Plus, she likes me make me drink more than I should...haha! :-) I remember fun lunch breaks during highschool, walking over to Katie's house to hang out.
All of these girls hold a special place in my heart. I wish I could have 10 bridesmaids so that I could put all the women near and dear to me in my wedding party. I look forward to our wedding day for obvious reasons and I am just so grateful that these women accepted the invitation to support me and share our day with us. I love you guys!
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