July 14, 2008

Our babies names

Ryan and I have been talking a bit lately about when we are going to start making babies. Then, the subject switched to names. While we have had our boys name picked out for awhile now, we've had to have some fun discussion on our girls name.

Obviously we're hoping for one of each! ha! :-)

Since God works in those ways. Right.

No, whatever we have, we just want it to be happy and healthy!

So back to the subject at hand.

Jack Ryan. This will be our boy's name. Jack was a dear friend of Ryan and I. He was an older gentleman who worked at the hotel where Ryan and I met. He would stock all needed things at the hotel and run errands as well as drive guests around. He was the most kindest man and really got to know each of us. We consider him a dear friend. He passed away last year and we wanted to honor him. Plus, Jack goes with our last name (or my future last name...)! His middle name, Ryan, is for obvious reasons...that's his daddy's name!

Oh and p.s. there will be no calling him J.R. for short...hate that...ick!

Now before I tell you our little girls name I want to tell you what I had originally liked. And that would be Madison. However, Ryan doesn't like it because he claims it's a strippers name (sorry if your whild is named Madison...I love it! It's not me!). I just like the nickname Maddy and it also goes so cutely with my {future} last name. So I told R that IF we have 2 girls (and my future sil doesn't use it...she liked it too) then maybe I'll just have to have my way! :-)

Olivia Bea. After my original name was rejected I was on the hunt for a cute name. I thought of Olivia before, not necesarily as my childs name, but thought it was cute. While I can't stand Olive, I do love Liv as a nickname. Too cute! The middle name would stand for a couple of things. Ryan calls me B all the time or BB...it's his little nickname for me, has been since maybe before we even started dating. Also, my Nonni's (Grandma) name is Beatrice, Bea for short. So we would be honoring her (hi Nonni!)(she reads my blog!).

I had originally thought of Olivia Grace, but I like that Ryan put some meaning behind it. It makes me glad to know that we both thought of a name for our little girl!


Mrs. B said...

I LOVE those names! I especially love that both the middle names some from the mommy and daddy names! I can't wait till Jack Ryan And Olivia Bea arrive!!!!!!!!