"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~George Eliot
Fall is my absolute FAVORITE season of all time! I love that it's not too hot but it's not too cold either and if it is a little cold, well then I welcome it! I love that crisp feeling in the air and wearing jeans and sweaters! I love having all of our windows open and snuggling up on the couch with a blanket!
Oh I could just go on and on about all of the things that I love about fall!
Ryan and I went to Hobby Lobby the other day in search of all things fall (well mostly I dragged Ryan to Hobby Lobby in search of all things fall!). I wanted to get some new decorations, but when I was there, I was just at a loss as to what I could create. It bums me out when that happens. I want to make some things, but I just can't seem to think of anything. And if I do see something cute I always come up with an excuse of I have no place to put it! Argh! What to do?
What are some of your favorite fall decorations? (Zizi Nikki...what should I do?! Any suggestions for our place?) Please ignore that ugly wire down there, it's for the cable! I got that cute little white pumpkin on the top shelf of the lamp, I think I love white pumpkins now! Of course, I had to break out my Yankee Candle in Macintosh, my favorite fall candle scent! I also got the little vase/bowl on the bottom at HL and filled it with what was supposed to vanilla scented decorative potpourri (yeah, it didn't smell like much!).

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