These pictures have been a long time comin'!
We went to the Lincoln Park Zoo on Saturday. And by we I mean, Jordan (my sistah!), Ava and me! It was a very hot day out and the zoo was kind of crowded, but we all had a good day!
I warn you now, do not read on if you are bored easily! ha! No, but seriously, there are A LOT of pictures, so I don't blame you if you decide to hope on over to Mrs. Dub instead of look through my pictures of our day at the zoo (she is much more wittier than I)! I know Zizi Nikki will be happy that they are finally up! :-)
Without further adieu ~

The girls on their day out
Jordan likes her some elephant

We always seemed to have the animals butts in our faces when we were trying to look or take a picture...hmmm...

Ava rode this train, which wasn't on a track, but made of attached golf cart like cars, I think she like it though?!

This is hysterical, the face is priceless! I don't even think she was mad or upset, I think I just caught a genuine expression! ha!

Me and Jordy

We had to set the camera timer up to get a pic of us...ugh, this building was like a sauna...

Hammin' it up for the camera!

If you look to the right of Ava, there is a little wallaby, cute!

Ava was even so brave to pet a snake! I stayed out of that room!

This was cute, there were two monkies or gorillas or whatever they were just sitting there with their backs up agains the windows, stripping the leaves and outer layer off of some branches. They were literally right up against the window, I was hoping this one would turn his head around and look at us. I always feel so bad for all these animals, stuck inside of glass watching people watch them all day, I just want to free them and take them all home with me!

Our 'human' hands

If you look in the back, you can see there are different species of apes and their hand prints.

Jordy and Ava

They're just monkeying around! ha!
I hope you enjoyed! I have been out of the blogging loop, at least I feel like it. You'd think the laptop would produce more posts, oh contraire!
*Two more days and the weekend is here!
Thanks Bella...even though it took sooo long...I know you're enjoying Ryan being back home but, i need my pic fix!!!
Mom will be here today!
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