August 31, 2008

Pictures and Laptops...

Okay, first things first...I LOVE TJ MAXX (the home store, that is!). I think it's my new favorite store! They have SO many cute things for the home. So much so that I could just stand in there for hours and not decide on what to get. We have been looking for something to go above the tv. There were some Marilyn Monroe pics up there, which I still love, but I was looking to put something more artsy up there. The other picture that is in our living room is a black and white panoramic view of the Chicago skyline. So I kind of wanted to stay with the black theme at least. And here's what I found...

Cute, huh?! I thought so! I saw a lady carrying it around in her cart and, being the chicken that I am, made Jordan (sister) go ask her where she got it from! There was only one left!

I love them! They fit perfectly and it's like we have flowers in our living room every day!

And guess what else?! We got a laptop!!!! Woo hoo! I have been wanting one SO badly!!! I got a great deal on a Compaq at Best Buy!!! Now I just have to find the pesky start up disc from Comcast! You'd think that would be an easy tase, oh contraire! I have NO CLUE where it is!

So for now, I'm still on our regular computer... Oh well, it'll turn up, and if it doesn't...I'm off to pick one up! More to come... I have plenty of pics from the zoo yesterday (fun but tiring day!).