...there was a girl who was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner all the while her soontobe husband is relaxing in the living room. He had the right afer all, he made the deliscous meal. After all the dishes were done and the countertops were cleaned, she made her way out to the living room to sit down on the couch. Before she sat down, the girl noticed a white paper like object peeking out behind one of the pillows. She thought it was her handsome young fiance's slip of paper. He was about to leave for the dry cleaners. When the girl reached for the paper, she realized that it was not a simple slip of paper, but a single white envelope containing a love note, better yet a card.
The girl opened the card, which was beautiful in its own right. As she read on, she realized that her mister had something else up his sleeve. You see, the girl had mentioned (weeks earlier) a funny Joel McHale from The Soup was going to be visiting a nearby theater. The young man got tickets for them to go see this comedian!!!
Can I just say the girl was soooooooooooooooo happy and better more, she loved the card.
And they lived happily ever after...
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