Oh what a wonderful weekend...
On Saturday I went over to Jen's house and got to hang out and do some hair. I got kind of 'stuck' on my way over because of a parade, but it was all good!
Jenny so graciously offered to play with my hair for our wedding and it turned out GREAT! I love it SO much!!! So...she offered to do it for the wedding! Thank you so much Jenny!!! You don't even know how much I appreciate it! I can mark the hair part off my list!

After that, me and Ryan picked up my mom and headed over to my cousin Cody's new place! It is so nice...we want to move there! We hung out with my dad and his roommates family. Kind of like a housewarming party!
I put this picture up for you Nonni and Zizi Nikki! Doesn't he look so cute in his little apron?! I just HAD to get a picture of it! :-)
Sunday was Bears day...what a game. Too bad they lost. :-(
Hope all your weekends were wonderful! Back to the daily grind tomorrow... One full week and a three day week and we're off to Myrtle Beach for Ryan's brothers wedding. We can't wait to go!!!
Thanks for the pic! Glad to see he decided to grow some hair!
Love ya!
I want more blogs to read!!!!!!!!
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