First off, I would just like to say that listing the day of the month in my title just makes me notice how quickly this month is going already. It's nuts! Does anybody remember when it was just last year?!
Okay and onto BETTER things... I received my very first blog award!!! I can't say I haven't been wishing I'd get one.
If I did, I would be lying just a little bit.
The giver of the award was my bestie Jenny. We have been planning our weddings together and it's been fun. We have come to realize now more than ever just how alike we are! You should head on over there and check out some of her ramblings... :-)
You can also check out her other nominees and their fun blogs HERE.
The Uber Amazing Blog Award is given to those blogs who:
- inspire you
- make you smile and laugh
- give amazing information
- are a great read
- have an amazing design
- and any other reason you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of the Award are:
- put the logo on your blog and/or post
- nominate a minimum of five blogs
- let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog
- share the linky love and link to this post as well as the person's blog that nominated you
And now on to my nominees (drum roll please)...
Kelly's Korner - I don't know her personally, but just by reading her blog you can tell that she is the kindest sweetest person. She is also expecting her first little baby girl!!!
Fabulous K - (Another) Kelly (do you see a trend here?!) is another great decor muse for me! Her cute decor in her own place is just so darn cute! Not to mention, she makes great blog designs. If I could, I would have her redecorate our whole place! She is just all kinds of fabulousness! :-)
NieNie - I'm sure you all know Nienie. I, unfortunately, didn't start reading her blog until I heard about their accident. I wish their family all the strength and support in the world as things are slowly getting better. I just have to say that reading the reposts on her blog make me want to be happy all the time and cherish every moment even if its bad, because whats the point in worrying or being mad or what not. Inspirational is a good word that comes to mind.
Well that's all for today. I have to go comment on all the blogs above!!! The Blog World is something different that is not always for everybody, but I am happy that I've found it. It's created so many outlets and ideas for me.
Enough sappiness...
YOU are my new favorite person. Doug is out. You're in.
Aw - thanks for the sweet award!!!!
I'm bad about commenting also - but I do peek in on you!!!
Congrats on your award!
About acquiring a table, I got mine from my mom (she had 2), but I think she found it at a local antique shop.
Congrats on your award! Aren't they fun?! :) You are so sweet to pass that along to me! I will add it to my sidebar. Thanks!!
midzeksa ourself darien chap taxpayer goalsafter mobilization egrkk linked impressions lalb
lolikneri havaqatsu
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