November 13, 2008

Day 13 of 30: Our first meeting with the Pastor

As I mentioned in my previous lame-o post, we had our first meeting with Pastor Mark last night. Going into it, I think we were both kind of like, eh do we have to do this?

Neither of us knew what we were entering into as we walked up to the glass doors.

Suprisingly, it was quite fun and created some nice conversation afterwards.

We first met with Pastor and chit chatted a bit. Then he asked us why we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, what was it about the other person that made us love them.

Then, we had to take a test!!!

Oh no, don't worry, we weren't graded or anything. It was a 115 question 'test' that asked us questions regarding religion, budgeting, children, your future spouse.

We took it seperately, but in the same room. During the entire 'test' I just kept telling myself to remember the question because I thought it would be a fun one to talk about after we left. Of course, my memory fails me quite often...

Pastor is going to compile the results and put 'em in the mail. We can't wait to get them back so we can talk some more. We did realize that we both answered the questions very similarly, go figure.

So that was it. Harmless.

Although, we do have another appointment in a few weeks...


Mrs. B said...

How exciting!

Be glad you don't have to visit your Pastor monthly..and have an 8 hour Pre-Cana counseling.

Either's all worth it!