Today, my sweet Mother-in-law took myself, Ava (my niece) and her granddaughter to see Aladdin at the Lincolnshire Marriott Theater. It was so cute and I actually really enjoyed it!
We went out to lunch with the kiddies afterwards and headed back to my mil's house so the girls could play.
While us girls were talking in the other room, the little girls were playing and I snuck in to take a picture of them sitting on the chair together playing at the computer. As I was about to take the picture Ava put her little arm around S's shoulder. How cute! :-)
Stacey and Little C came over. Ava just ate it up, she just loves babies and little kids. She is going to be a great cousin some day!
It was a great day just getting to hang out with family. I got to see Little T for the first time since I've seen him right after birth. He slept the entire time, but he was still cute. He has grown so much since I've last seem him.

And right about now, I'm blogging (and keeping good on my post-a-day oath thankyouverymuch) and my Mister is napping. Yeah, we know it's 8:24pm, but it's the weekend and, well we're not at the stage in our lives where we have to take care of a kid or go to bed early, so we can do it, right?! :-)
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