December 11, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

**edited...I dislike Blogger at times. Like now, for example! I had my paragraphs (more like sentences) spaced out. I even edited it to try and make it work again. And what do I get?! smooshed together words...I digress!**

Ah, yes. Isn't she a beaute?!
I even added the picture there on the bottom right.
Just so you could see how miniature our Christmas tree really is... It's slightly pathetic.
I am aware.
We went out last Saturday with full intentions of either getting a real tree at church. And possibly skipping that and going to Ace Hardware (bad decision - should've gone to Walmart or Target) for a fake tree.
I know there has got to be a debate on which is better. I, personally prefer real for the smell and just the realness of it all. I grew up with a real Christmas tree every single year. I do have to admit, the needles are a pain (especially last year when we had NO vacuum cleaner...).
We ended up deciding nay on the tree, period. We are just so busy this month with Christmas, birthdays (3 more days until I hit the big 2-6), the wedding next month. I feel like I have seldom moments when I can sit down, relax and not be thinking/planning something.
So I decorated a small tree decoration that we got from my mom last year. I even put our 'meaningful' ornaments on it along with some mini ornaments we had. I still used the usual tree stand - you know, to give it a little height (ha!) - and the ohsoboring tree skirt. AND I made a HUGE ornament our tree topper! Voila!
It isn't the best tree I've ever had, but it will do.
Just for this year though.
That I promise you.