December 11, 2008


I think they secretly love eachother.

At least that's what I like to tell myself.

We have to put Roxy's food on the counter because Mason would eat it.

I was giving them a special treat of soft food (Roxy's fav is Purrfectly Fish by Whiskas) for dinner earlier tonight.

Usually I put her soft food up on the counter near her other food. Today, for some reason, she wouldn't jump up on the counter. So...I put her food on the ground.

Right near Mason.

And they quietly ate dinner together.

I think they secretly love eachother.

I hope to one day be able to capture a picture of them laying in the dog bed together.

I know - that'll only happen in my dreams :-)


Krista said...

Oh, that's so cute! I think they secretly love each other, too!