December 26, 2008

With this ring - I thee wed

Let me first off, warn you all that there are A LOT of pictures in this post!

Now that's we go...

I came across a post on Wedding Bee Pro (click here to read it) that gave instructions on how to take amazing engagement and wedding ring photos with a point and shoot camera.

So...along with the millions of other brides I went for it!

I didn't actually go for it until today - after all the Christmas hoopla was over. And guess what else I used to take the pictures?!

Our NEW camera!!! Yay!

Thanks to my future brother and sister-in-law for the great wedding/christmas gift! We absolutely love it!!!

I encourage anyone to read the article and give it a shot. It's really fun and it's fun thinking of stuff you can use.

I love that I did this and I want to keep this post forever to remind me of it.

Here we go!!!!

Ryan ALWAYS has Chapstick in his pocket, so I thought this was very fitting!

I am a lover of pearls!

Perfect! It's Christmas time right before our wedding!

Ryan actually took this picture and I think it's one of my favorite ones. They look so cute and beautiful next to each other, don't you think?!

I want to turn this one into a sephia toned pictures. So rustic!


Mrs. B said...

Love love love the ring shots!!!!! Hope you don't mind-but I stole your blog idea! Check out mine.. :)

Btw..I love my new camera! I can't stop playing with it!

Cyd said...

I love the ones on the guitar especially! I love the solitaire engagement ring with pretty bands on either side too, absolutely gorgeous!