January 27, 2009

I leave you with this...

Well, today is my last day blogging until we get back from our Honeymoon.

I'll miss you all! ha!

No offense, but YEAH RIGHT! :-)

We will be traveling to Sunny Jamaica for 5 glorious days.

OH yeah, and we'll be tying the knot! This Saturday!

I leave you with this wonderful, deliscious, mouthwatering picture. Eh, I'll even give you a recipe! I might just have to try this when we get back... Doesn't it look so awesome?!

Unfortunately, I'd have to eat it all by myself (ooh la la!) because my soon to be Husband isn't one for sweets.

Gasp...I know...

Chocolate Souffle
the article says the best way to do this is to make it ahead of time and then just pop it in the oven when you're ready for it

2-1/2 T. Unsalted Butter
5-1/2 T. Sugar, divided
1 t. Cornstarch
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips
4 Egg Yolks
7 Egg Whites (6 if baking immediately)
Confectioner's Sugar

Chocolate Sauce:
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 heaping tablespoons of chocolate chips

Butter a 1-1/2 quart souffle dish. Make a paper collar about 3" high. Butter and sugar it slightly then press to the buttered rim of the souffle pan. Now sprinkel a little sugar coating in the souffle dish.

In a heavy pan, slowly add milk to cornstarch, stirring constantly until smooth. Keep stirring and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Stir in chocolate, 2 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons sugar. Stir until melted. You can put the pan back on low heat if necessary. Remove from heat. Stir in egg yolks one at a time. Cover in plastic wrap. May be kept refrigerated up to two days in advance.

Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold in 2 tablespoons sugar, and beat to stiff shiny peaks. Stir 3 or 4 tablespoons into the base to lighten it, then using a spatula, gently fold (not stir!) the lightened base into the egg whites.
Pour into the prepared souffle dish. Smooth the surface with your spatula. Refrigerate up to six hours. Bring back to room temperature before cooking.

Place the souffle on a cookie sheet in the lower third of a preheated 350 degree oven. Make sure it has enough head room to rise! Bake for 25 minutes for a soft center. No peeking! Be sure not to bake more than 30 minutes as an over-baked souffle will fall.

Heat the cream in a heavy pan. When hot (not boiling), add the chocolate and stir until melted and smooth.

Serve the souffle straight from the oven. I place my souffle dish on a folded towel to protect my serving plate underneath. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar or cocoa powder as shown. Serve the warm chocolate sauce on the side.


Krista said...

Wade would have helped you out with that chocolate souffle. He's big into chocolate (much bigger than I am).

He'd be jealous of you!

Congratulations, and see you after Jamaica. I hope you wore your sunscreen!

Anonymous said...

YUM! This looks delicious!!!