December 19, 2007

Here comes Santa Clause, here comes Santa Clause...

Well, we STARTED our Christmas shopping last night. Yes, you heard it folks, we just started. I know this may seem unusual to those of you who know me. I am a neat freak, ocd obsessed, organized kinda person and I JUST started Christmas shopping last night! Goods news is...we finished ALL but 2 gifts, which we will have to go out on Friday night to get (the mere thought of that makes my head spin because we all know that it will be horribly crazy out with all the last minute shoppers). I feel like there are more sales as you shop closer to Christmas rather than earlier. Oh it was horrible for Christmas always stresses me out. I always want to get everyone the PERFECT gift and then I question myself as to if it is the PERFECT gift. Mister R and myself have decided that next year, we are going to try to do family gifts instead of each person gets something. And I thought that my family needs to start picking least us younger we don't have to get every aunt and every uncle and every cousin a present (no offense, it just makes it harder). Well, that's all...just thought I'd write...I'm still having trouble thinking of subjects to post on.
P.S. This Just In...Britney Spears sister (Jamie~Lynn for those of you who aren't celeb gossip addicts quite like myself) is PREGGERS!!! And to think Lynn (the mom) is writing a parenting book!