January 15, 2008

How to look good...NAKED!!!

So, while we're (I'm I suppose) on the topic of TV Shows...and reality for that matter. Have you seen How To Look Good Naked? If not, you should check it out HERE. I have seen 2 episodes so far and I think I like it. I LOVE the fact that they are all about getting women to love the way the look currently. I mean, we all have body issues...i think we all do(?)! And there is always that notion that you HAVE TO have the perfect body. But I believe you need to love the skin you're in, in the first place, in order to really LOVE who you are.

My FAV part of the show is Carson Kressley though! He is such a hoot! I LOVE how he just makes the girls so comfortable and how gay he is, really! He cracks me up. One of the first episodes I saw, he was working with this gal who weighed probably like 250 pounds (or something like that, not too sure), but he picked her up and twirled her around. It was so funny, I mean he made her feel good. And then he makes them try on bras and undies and walk around in them. You know, just make them feel comfy! Alright, I think I'm just blabbering now.