February 16, 2008

The little miss got a haircut

Today, Miss A came over for a visit. I have been meaning to trim her hair for so long, and well, it happened today. She agreed right away...which was amazingly odd! The best part...she let me straigten her hair! She looked too cute and WAY too old! She's going to be a heartbreaker when she gets older! To those of you who don't know, the little miss is my niece.

The haircut begins...

BEFORE (her naturally curly hair)
AFTER...isn't she beau-t-ful?! Do you notice that look of tears on her face... This little miss is an anal one. She worries normally about her 'flyaways' and always puts too much mousse in to 'tame' them. She was in tears before she saw herself in the mirror because she claimed that her hair was 'too frizzy'! Wow...at five she's already worrying about that, can you believe it?!
She quickly got over that though...she would NOT stop staring at herself in the mirror.

We decided to put it half up for her birthday party that she was going to. She got a 'pampering day' over at our house...I also painted her finger nails AND bought her a Disney Princess watch...she must have been in heaven!

Just a fun little pic...hanging out!

We had to get 'ole Mason in the picture with us.

Oh and we watched High School Musical Two again. And now I have that darn song stuck in my head! It won't go away! Too cute!