EDIT: The SUN came out! HALLELUJAH! It's not super sunny out, but it's also not dark and gloomy out! Woo hoo!

Did you know that today is OFFICIALLY the last day of Winter?!
Well, if you didn't, now you do!!! I am SO happy! Although, I'm sure it doesn't mean much around here. Apparently, we are supposed to get a possible six inches of snow on Friday. Eek! I hope that doesn't happen, just in time for Easter, right?!
It's been SO gloomy around here lately. Yesterday it was rainy and dark and today it's not raining, but there is NO sunshine. Frankly, I'm not really digging it. I need some sunshine! For my own sanity! Ha!
I have nothing much to report, except that I'm starting to feel ill :-( My throat hurts, my nose is runny and my head is achey. I hope this goes away...soon!
Happy Last Day of Winter!!!
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