April 1, 2008

April Fools

I was hoping to have a really good April Fool's joke for you or an example of one, but nothing here...SORRY!!!

I thought I'd share this adorable picture with ya'll! The one on the left is our little Masey Moo! And the one on the right is Bella. In about 9 months, me and that little gal will have the exact same names! Bella McIntyre! Ha! Isn't she so cute though?! They are kissing cousins! It is really quite disgusting sometimes (I won't even go into detail!).

P.S. I started on the South Beach Diet today...wish me luck! I have been ruthless lately when it comes to snacking. I need to change my eating habits and drop a few pounds. I am feeling really icky about my body lately and I hate to exercise (I know, everyone does but it's something you have to do...). So I'm trying this. My dear friend Jenny did it in the past and lost a tremendous amount of weight. I'm going to give it a try! We shall see...


Mrs. B said...

You can do it Bell! Don't get discouraged! You can eat as much as you want, as long as you stick to the plan. In a few days you will loose all your cravings! I promise. I did!