April 28, 2008

Sunday equaled Relaxation

Sunday was a day of total rest and relaxation. I was originally supposed to be doing something regarding getting us a new car (my grandma's), but that fell through. So I had a FULL day of nothing! The Mister left at about 9:30am to go finish up recording. Yes folks, recording for his band. I can't wait for the day when he's a big superstar and I don't have to work anymore! Ha! I took a shower, went over to my friend/coworker/neighbor's apartment...she lives like 2 buildings down. I went over to see her wedding dress which she ordered off the site I was thinking about ordering off of. Note: I found a different dress (go figure) and I'm ordering it TODAY!!! I can't wait!!! It's what I've been searching for! Then I ran to the store and bought two new work out dvds:

We'll see how they work out (ha! pun intended!). Whenever I buy exercise dvds, I do them a couple of times here and there and then get bored! I hope that doesn't happen, I really need to start exercising. I am sore from cleaning on Saturday though!

After that, I came home and laid on the couch watching tv all day long! I watched a lifetime movie and then just random garbage that was on the tele. I don't know why the weekends go by SO fast and the week days just drag on SO slowly! It's just not fair!

I did make us a really good dinner last night. I got one of those 'mini' chickens that is already seasoned and in a bag, you just have to put it in the oven. I made that, stove top stuffing, and some mixed veggies. So that's what is for lunch today too! Such an eventful weekend, I know...but it was well worth it and I just love those days where you really don't have to do a thing!