We were both off of work today...kind of an extended holiday weekend! It was OH SO nice (aside from my tooth still bothering me), but that's another story.
We went to TARGET to set up our bridal registry. It was so much fun! It was kind of hard though...that's weird, right?! We just scanned stuff we wanted/needed. Why get something we don't want or need.
I won't post the link yet (here or on the wedding website) because we aren't quite finished. We didn't even really put a dent in it. I think we did a once around the store and didn't feel like going back. Well, we have plenty of time for that and we can add stuff on from the internet, so that's a bonus...especially when I get bored at work! ha!

Here we are...on our way out...
This is the little welcome kit that TARGET gave us once we set up our registry. There are actually some useful and cute things in there. They gave us a little square tear-off stack of little notes that say THE HAPPY COUPLE IS REGISTERED AT TARGET to put in invitations and whatnot. There is a checklist of essential things to put on your registry and an invitation that TARGET makes...it says they are at a lovely price...so I'm going to have to check that out! AND the best part?!?!...we get a FREE six inch mini wedding cake as a 'sample'! How 'bout that?!
He was a maniac with that gun! ha!
I just liked to aim and shoot!
No...we didn't really put that on our registry...or did we?!

I'm a natural...right?!

That gun was smokin'!
And as an added bonus while parousing around TARGET...we got this cool chair for the office (i.e. the video game/computer/guest room). I have always wanted one and I don't even play video games that often. I just thought it would be comfortable to read on and I like to sit on the floor...so this is kind of like that but more comfortable...and it rocks!
I just love those end aisles in the back where the discount home stuff is. We got 4 new bath towels and 2 hand towels for a total of $15! Isn't that just great?!
That was the extent of our day...now we are just relaxing and I have to go back to work tomorrow...oh I have when long weekends have to end! My mister gets to stay home for the rest of the week...isn't he lucky?!
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