Friday night, my little niecey was spending the night. My mom came over and we met my friend Jenny and her fiance at the Lake County Fair. As we were pulling up to the intersection where you could semi-see the top of the rides, Ava was getting SO excited in the back seat of the car. I thought it was hysterical! I have never seen anyone get so excited over something! It was too funny! She was just talking and we were having our own conversation. At one point she asked, "Can I please just scream?!?!" To which my mom answered no. And then you just hear this short but excited scream in the back seat. It was hysterical!!!
It was pretty crowded and rather warm and muggy, but it was fun. I went on one ride with Ava. It was the gravity one that spins and then rises up. My stomach didn't feel too good after that, but that didn't stop me from having some fair food! Who could go to the fair and not get some yummy bad stuff?! I had some icecream (you know, since I was hot). Then I had some bites of an elephant ear, which I had never had before and I have to say are much better than funnel cakes! And of course, I had to get some cotton candy to bring home with me. Me and Ava enjoyed a few pieces right before bed! I just love cotton candy (or anything with sugar in it!).
Ava was a brave little one and wanted to go on all of the rides. Even the upside down ones!
Here are some lovely pics from the night...sit back and enjoy, there are quite a few... Me and me mum

Oh this sounds like so much fun!
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